About Us

About The Owner
About the owner Lucretia Tassin: Lucretia Tassin a mother of two boys, a grandmother that enjoys the beauty of life, a college graduate with an Associates & Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice that has a soft spot for individuals in need, which is why she pursued a career in that field. The thought of helping others in need and seeing them progress was/is one of her biggest achievements. Having a soft spot for the elderly and sick due to the love and relationship she has and had for her late mother Brenda Simon and her late grandmother Eva Charlton. Leadership has always been a part of her life due to the life skills taught to her by her mother by helping raise her siblings. A life dream to establish an environment that young and old can feel loved and comfortable at all times. Her drive to create such an environment comes from her mother who was a geriatric nurse and cared for the young an old. Her push in life is the fact that her mom, Brenda Simon, has always told her to keep pushing and go for what you want. This stayed with Mrs. Tassin, and this is how she will give back and keep her dream alive… TO GOD BE THE GLORY….